Friday, August 29, 2008

Last weeks of Summer

This is going to be a random blog about the last couple of weeks... First My birthday was last Sunday and we celebrated with my family. Jeff's (seen in the picture) birthday is next week so we had a combined party. This is the last year of my twenties so I guess I am officially OLD. We went to Outback for dinner and back to my Dad's and Terri's for cake and ice cream.

Emily has started sitting up and standing up on her own a little but sometimes she does not remember how to lay back down. In this picture she just decided to bind over and nap instead of laying back down. This makes my back hurt just looking at it.

Battle Scares from the first couple of days on the grill. I got burned a couple of times my first few days on the grill. The burn on my wrist was from a waffle iron and the one on my forearm is from an egg pan. I am sure there will be many more where that came from. I am enjoying working. I like cooking but, I need to get faster. I have not learned the art of cracking an egg with one hand yet.

The last photo is Emily and Ansley swinging at our neighborhood playground. Emily loves swinging. Ansley is her first best friend and we were able to witness Ansley's first steps the other day while she was at our house playing. Now if we could just convince Emily to walk on her own.


The Murray Family said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Ben! Wow, looks like the Waffle House is a dangerous place to work so be careful over there. And yes, that picture of Emily makes my back hurt are so flexible. Don't worry...she'll be walking soon and then you'll have to chase her...everywhere!

The Cook Family said...

Happy Birthday! You are not OLD!