Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

This Father's Day was great. Earlier in the week I was able to teach Emily about PS3 and as you can see she has a way to go before beating her dad.

We also went to Summerville to see Granddad. We helped him fix up one of the bedrooms so we could have a nice new bedroom when we visit. We had alot of fun and Emily enjoyed swinging with Granddad on the back patio. Greg and Mellie (Adrianne's Bro and wife) came on Friday and stayed until Saturday and Stephanie and Jason ( Adrianne's sister and husband) came on Saturday. It was great to have the entire family together for the father's day weekend.
Sunday we gathered at Poppy's (Ben's Dad) and Gamm's house for supper and celebrated Poppy's B-day as well as father's day. Again every one was there we forgot the camera so sorry no pictures. Elizabeth had a camera so we will get those pictures soon.

We hope all you fathers had a great day and for those who have no kids "getha some" only if you are happily married though. We do not want any baby's daddy's or mama's running around.


The Murray Family said...

Ha! Baby daddy! Well, we're glad to see that you had a great first Father's Day and that you got to spend it together!! Emily is chewing on the PS3 because she knows it's no good and Daddy should have gotten a 360. Hehe.

The Cook Family said...

Happy 1st Father's Day! Wow, Emily's hair sure is getting blond!

The Cherkauskas Family said...

Happy 1st Father's Day! I love the picture of her chewing on the PS3 controller! She looks so big sitting next to Adrianne's dad.

Anonymous said...

"Getha some"?? What does that mean? It must be South Carolinian lingo...

Hajost Family said...

Just catching up on your blog and wanted to wish you a happy late father's day!! I know Emily is little but I'm sure she was happy to have her daddy home to spend the day with!!!! :)