Well as we know I am out of the Army now (except for the National Guard) and was wondering if you guys can help me figure out how and what to do with my new look. I have been doing the cleaned shave and high and tight now for more than six years so I am having a hard time deciding on what to do. I have put a couple of pictures here to help you choose. I will list a poll on the side of the blog to for you to vote. These are just few, I will also take suggestions.
This is the high and tight which most of you are familiar with. (Wedding)

The Bald look. (Also pictured with goatee, while we were dating)

The Soul Patch. (picture from Braves Baseball Game while dating)

The Beard. (On the way to college, I was so cool)

The Lamb Chops. You can't get the entire view. This is also features the goatee.

And Finally the FRO!!!

Please help me in my future look. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Hey...Wow, did that bring back memories. I can picture you in almost all of those looks, except the fro - when was that?? ha!!! Ok, so my personal favorites are the goatee (but maybe with hair)and lambchops picture. Have fun deciding on your new look on a new chapter in your life!
Ben, Of course you know I really like the fro. I think you should grow it back and keep it as long as possible. It'll be a good look for when you're frying eggs at the Waffle House!! Good luck with the job hunting. I'll be joining ya in 24 days!! (but who's counting)
Army or no Army you gotta keep it high and tight. What does Adrianne think?? -J
Depends on the job, I guess. I still remember the "curls" from childhood (I think I have a picture somewhere of you in your sandbox in Johnston) and from some point right before you went in the Army (I think).
Not that you need any help in getting that head to swell, but you'd be "pretty" in any style!!
Your prejudiced aunt,
Sue Bee
i'm with julie. high & tight. though it's nice to see the "fro" picture again!
Hi Ben!!
I like all the looks except maybe the fro....I have never seen that one...Good luck job hunting too. I pray you will find just the right one....Bette
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