Yesterday we were able to just hang out and enjoy each other. As you can see Emily and Ben were enjoying the hotel bed. Emily is really beginning to warm up to her Daddy. Yesterday was also a first for Emily as she waved for the first time without help (very exciting for mom and dad).
We also have gotten to hang out with our friends, Nick, Sarah, Ben and Sophie Cook, while we have been in Kansas. They have been so gracious having us over to eat all the time and letting us play with their toys. As you can see Emily and Sophie have become great friends (Ha Ha). Yesterday we celebrated a belated birthday for Sophie who turned 1 this past March. We cannot thank the Cooks enough for letting us hangout with them as much as they have.
Hopefully we will be on our way to SC tomorrow or at the latest Wednesday. Ben will be finishing up tomorrow and will be officially on terminal leave starting Wednesday. It is hard to believe this day is here and we are ending a chapter in our lives. It is a little scary but God will look out for us.
Last thing before I sign off please vote, We are investing in a new TV when we get home and Ben wants to get a PS3 or a XBOX360. Please help him decide- this issue is of the utmost importance. :)
have a safe trip! hope em isn't too averse to sitting in her carseat for long periods of time. sorry no opinion on the game system...we have neither.
While I personally don't care I was talking to Brian the other day and he was terribly upset about the prospect of you even thinking about getting a PS3 so I voted on his behalf for the 360. As a wifey I like the wireless remotes of the 360 and Brian will get XBox Live when he comes back too so you guys can play go 360!!!! Have a safe trip back to SC!!
Hey...glad to hear you're heading back to Sparkle City! Safe Travels!! I have no idea about the t.v. sorry, can't help in that department. Hope I get to see you three!
Looks like you guys are having a great time! You need to head over to VA some time! My brother has a Wii so that's what we play all the time. I don't know about the other ones...I'm pretty good at bowling now!
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